CinemaCon 2024 My Experiences                         Part 3
Onward we go with part 3 of my CinemaCon 2024 report. We had a lot of fun visiting the many booths and vendors. Meeting many people who work in and around the Cinema business atmosphere. Our last stop was entertaining as we spent a good amount of time with the Christie team learning about their impressive lineup of projectors. We also learned about TrueCut Motion which Christie proudly demonstrated. What is TrueCut Motion? TrueCut Motion is a groundbreaking platform that revolutionizes the film industry by introducing "Motion Grading." Uniquely, TrueCut Motion allows for all the advantages of high frame rate, while retaining the cinematic 24fps look. PixelWorks the company behind TrueCut Motion has partnered up with more than a few brands to implement their Motion Grading with their products. TCL comes to mind here. It's amazing how cost effective a TCL tv is but now they include PixelWork's magic. I was able to interview Miguel from PixelWorks and here's what he said about TrueCut Motion:
Check out the Christie projectors that had neatly displayed at the show. Judging from the size of them you can tell there was a lot of heavy lifting involved setting them up!
So to sum up CinemaCon 2024 I would say it was very hopeful for the future of Cinema and the technology that will drive it. Video Walls are a thing! Check out the really cool ones from Intela and Gloshine. It's going to be exciting see where we go from here!
Also at the show they had a really cool robot which would sweep the trade show floor and vacuum as needed. It also carried around snacks and drinks. I also had fun in the Dolby area and the Twister movie promos. Between all the snacks and all the new equipment we had a blast and look forward to future years at the show!
I would like to take a moment to thank Laurie and AV SALES for their support. They have been in business a very long time. Call them for any and all of your home theater needs. Tell them JoeRod sent you! 1-877-823-4452.